
The Magic of Reading

There is no place so inspiring as the pages of the right book at the right time. 
At any given time I am reading multiple books. Currently, I am reading a frivolous novel. A book about church health. A guide to writing. The final transcript of an inspiring professor. A tale that promises better sleep. And a leadership book that encourages frog consumption. 

Most of my life I have been carried away on the wings of stories. 
I watched the Aslan the Lion sing the world into being.
I ran through the snowy mountains with the Silver Brumby.
I found a purpose driven life with Rick Warren.
I wept as Charlotte passed from the world and saved Wilbur’s life. 
I hated Alison Ashley. 
I felt the fear and did it anyway. 
I glimpsed the world of Wormwood the Demon with C.S. Lewis. 

So many adventures and lives lived through the pages of a book.
Yet, the book I have read most often and repeatedly is my Bible. No matter how many times I read it, I find something new. It never ceases to inspire me.

Today make time to read (or if you’re not a reader, listen to) something that will inspire you. 
As Emily Dickinson said, “To travel far, there is no better ship than a book.”

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